Toast to Trees

Join us as we raise our glasses to trees—toasting the many benefits they provide to our health and community wellness. Toast to Trees will celebrate the work of Western Reserve Land Conservancy’s Reforest Our City program which strives to increase Cleveland’s tree canopy by growing trees and engaging residents and volunteers to protect neighborhood trees. […]

Workday: Reforest Our City Treeyard

Reforest Our City Treeyard 2921 East 82nd St, Cleveland, OH, United States

Our tree yard needs your help! We need assistance with weeding and mulching our tree yard. This is where our tree magic happens, and a face-lift will make a huge difference for our Trees4CLE giveaway. Volunteers will be provided tools, gloves, and refreshments. We can’t wait!  window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('6620461f-ced3-43b3-9149-b21c0047b491'); }; (function () […]

Field Exploration: Mushrooms

Join the Ohio Mushroom Society for a mini-foray at Starre’s Acres in Medina County. We will hike along the preserve’s sandstone ledges and beautiful stream in search of fungi. Starre’s Acres contains a rich forest and lovely outcrops which should provide excellent habitat for a diverse assemblage of species. Our experts will end the day […]

Nature & Wine – SOLD OUT

Join naturalists Judy Semroc and Steve McKee for a walk at the Scheibe Easement outside of Loudonville, Ohio. Protected through a conservation easement by the Land Conservancy, the property has a direct tributary to the Mohican River running through it. Our autumn hike will be on defined trails through a rich forest with rolling topography […]

Reforesting Buckeye’s Blocks – Tree Steward Only Volunteer Event

Reforest Our City is excited to plant 50-yard trees in the Buckeye neighborhood, and we want you to be a part of it! Tree Stewards are needed to plant trees for residents who registered for the giveaway. Tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided. Hope to see you there!  window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('1e097708-60bd-46fa-ba05-7aa999cfd3cd'); […]

Tree Planting: St. Clair Superior Memorial Garden

Join us in transforming the side yard at the True Faith Apostolic Bibleway Church into a vibrant community space filled with trees. Volunteers will assist in planting 11 trees, along with mulching and installing tree accessories. Tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided.   window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('ddcd43a6-3586-47cf-8fd3-ef9b8bc445b9'); }; (function () { var e […]

Backcountry Hike – Fall Colors – SOLD OUT

Join staff from the Geauga Park District and Western Reserve Land Conservancy for a strenuous, off-trail hike of a preserved property. We’ll discover wildlife and explore habitat while hiking through a majestic, rich forest. This hike will take us over rugged terrain includes hills, ravines, obstacles like logs, stream crossings and other challenges. Program will […]

Tree Planting: Reforesting Buckeye-Woodhill

This is our first of three tree plantings in the Buckeye-Woodhill community. We are seeking volunteers to help plant 23 trees on four different sites throughout the neighborhood. Volunteers will assist with tree planting, mulching, and trash pick-up. Tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided.  window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('c1e0c790-5a5f-4a73-97ff-bc2131469fd4'); }; (function () { […]

Field Exploration: Owls 2023 – SOLD OUT

Join us for a unique overnight experience on Kelleys Island. Participants will join naturalist Judy Semroc and master bird bander Tom Bartlett at a banding station on the Island for an evening with the owls. These diminutive raptors will provide a memorable and informative nature outing. There is never a guarantee of seeing owls, but […]

Tree Planting: Reforesting Buckeye-Woodhill 2

Join us for our last planting in the Buckeye-Woodhill community! We are seeking volunteers to help plant 13 trees on two different sites throughout the neighborhood. Volunteers will assist with tree planting, mulching, and trash pick-up. Tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided.   window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('91b884b5-15aa-4df8-973b-43d48b9cf3d0'); }; (function () { var e […]

Tree Planting: Reforesting Buckeye-Woodhill 3

Join us for our second planting in the Buckeye-Woodhill community! We are seeking volunteers to help plant 12 trees on two different sites throughout the neighborhood. Volunteers will assist with tree planting, mulching, and trash pick-up. Tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided.  window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('aa9e9085-51fb-484d-89c3-0da9259bf097'); }; (function () { var e […]

Great Dixter House & Garden: The Biodiversity Audit with Fergus Garrett

Great Dixter is an historic house, a garden, a center of education, and a place of pilgrimage for horticulturists from across the world. Great Dixter was the family home of gardener and gardening writer Christopher Lloyd – it was the focus of his energy and enthusiasm and fueled over 40 years of books and articles. […]
