Backcountry Hike – Fall Colors – SOLD OUT

Join staff from the Geauga Park District and Western Reserve Land Conservancy for a strenuous, off-trail hike of a preserved property. We’ll discover wildlife and explore habitat while hiking through a majestic, rich forest. This hike will take us over rugged terrain includes hills, ravines, obstacles like logs, stream crossings and other challenges. Program will […]

Tree Planting: Reforesting Buckeye-Woodhill

This is our first of three tree plantings in the Buckeye-Woodhill community. We are seeking volunteers to help plant 23 trees on four different sites throughout the neighborhood. Volunteers will assist with tree planting, mulching, and trash pick-up. Tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided.  window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('c1e0c790-5a5f-4a73-97ff-bc2131469fd4'); }; (function () { […]

Field Exploration: Owls 2023 – SOLD OUT

Join us for a unique overnight experience on Kelleys Island. Participants will join naturalist Judy Semroc and master bird bander Tom Bartlett at a banding station on the Island for an evening with the owls. These diminutive raptors will provide a memorable and informative nature outing. There is never a guarantee of seeing owls, but […]

Tree Planting: Reforesting Buckeye-Woodhill 2

Join us for our last planting in the Buckeye-Woodhill community! We are seeking volunteers to help plant 13 trees on two different sites throughout the neighborhood. Volunteers will assist with tree planting, mulching, and trash pick-up. Tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided.   window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('91b884b5-15aa-4df8-973b-43d48b9cf3d0'); }; (function () { var e […]

Tree Planting: Reforesting Buckeye-Woodhill 3

Join us for our second planting in the Buckeye-Woodhill community! We are seeking volunteers to help plant 12 trees on two different sites throughout the neighborhood. Volunteers will assist with tree planting, mulching, and trash pick-up. Tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided.  window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('aa9e9085-51fb-484d-89c3-0da9259bf097'); }; (function () { var e […]

Great Dixter House & Garden: The Biodiversity Audit with Fergus Garrett

Great Dixter is an historic house, a garden, a center of education, and a place of pilgrimage for horticulturists from across the world. Great Dixter was the family home of gardener and gardening writer Christopher Lloyd – it was the focus of his energy and enthusiasm and fueled over 40 years of books and articles. […]

Ohio Real Title Vibrant Places Series Hike: Cassell Reservation

Event Details:Sunday, December 3 from 1 pm – 3 pmCassell Reservation, Lorain County Metro Parks Leader: Judy Semroc, Naturalist and Field Biologist and Renee Boronka, Manager of Conservation Education Join us as for a Sunday afternoon walk in nature at the Cassell Reservation of Lorain County Metro Parks. Cassell Reservation is a spectacular natural area […]

Zoom into Nature: Hellbenders (Virtual Program)

Event Details:  Tuesday, January 9 from 6:30 to 8 pm ET Presenter: Gregory Lipps, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Coordinator, Ohio Biodiversity Conservation Partnership, The Ohio State University FREE Happy to announce our first Zoom into Nature for 2024. We’ll welcome Greg Lipps for an exciting presentation on Hellbenders. Join us virtually as Greg will cover […]

Ohio Real Title Vibrant Places Hike: Groundhog Day

Friday, February 2 from 10 am – 12 pm Bolton Preserve Leaders: Judy Semroc, Naturalist and Field Biologist and Renee Boronka, Manager of Conservation Education Is spring around the corner, or will we endure 6 more weeks of winter? Join us for this mid-winter tradition as we explore nature for signs of life at the […]

Nurturing our Conservation Land Ethic

Wednesday, February 7 at 6:00 PM Western Reserve Land Conservancy’s Harmony Hall 3850 Chagrin River Road Moreland Hills, OH 44022 The in-person event is sold out, but we have added a virtual option to watch this presentation live. It will also be recorded and available on our YouTube channel for those who register. See below […]

Zoom into Nature: Lichens (Virtual Program)

Tuesday, February 13 from 6:30 to 8 pm ET Presenter: Ian Adams FREE Join us virtually on the evening of February 13 as we welcome back Ian Adams for his program The World of Lichens. Lichens are fascinating organisms that attach themselves to tree bark, rocks, and soil and cover 6-8% of the Earth’s land […]

Inviting Biodiversity into Our Gardens and Beyond: Session 1

Western Reserve Land Conservancy, The Cleveland Pollinator and Native Plant Symposium and Nature Spark are pleased to announce the return of their collaborative series, Inviting Biodiversity into Our Gardens and Beyond. The symposium features nationally and regionally renowned experts to help viewers create vibrant, ecologically resilient gardens and greenspaces that benefit pollinators and wildlife. Inviting […]
