Nature Field Day for Kids – July 15

Let’s get outside Ohio! Young explorers will join naturalists for an adventure in the field as we explore the diversity of dragonflies and damselflies at our Sherwin Preserve. Our kids’ […]

Nature Field Day for Kids: Monarchs (Ages 4-6)

Let’s get outside Ohio! Each September, Monarch butterflies make their journey south to Mexico. They are often seen in great numbers along our Lake Erie shoreline, where they stop to […]

Nature Quest: Hearts in Nature (Ages 5-10 years old)

Young explorers will join naturalists as we search for heart shapes in nature. Plan to explore the trails of the Forest Ridge Preserve in Moreland Hills (directly behind Western Reserve […]

Nature Quest: Spring Ponds (Ages 6-12)

Join us as we visit the spring ponds of our Oberlin Preserve. These pools fill with water each spring and typically dry out by summer. They are very important in […]

Nature Quest: Spring Awakening (Ages 6-12)

Spring has sprung in Northeast Ohio. Join Judy and Renee as they walk the Sherwin Preserve to look for signs of nature waking up from its winter dormancy. Let’s find […]

Nature Quest: Dragonflies (Ages 6-12)

Let's get outside and explore nature. Join us for a field exploration at a protected property in Geauga county. We’re sure to see many dragonflies and damselflies darting around the […]

Nature Quest: Monarchs (Ages 5+)

Each September, Monarch butterflies make their journey south to Mexico. They are often seen in great numbers along our Lake Erie shoreline, where they stop to rest and refuel. Join […]

Nature Quest: Raptors

Join us for a unique experience at the Medina Raptor Center. We’ll kick the morning off with a hike through the natural area surrounding the facilities at the Medina Raptor […]

Art Show with Susan Check

Western Reserve Land Conservancy invites you to join us for a reception to celebrate the art of Susan Check! Join Artist Susan Check and learn about her artistic journey along the […]
