Western Reserve Land Conservancy Response to COVID-19
At Western Reserve Land Conservancy, we are driven by a vision of thriving, prosperous communities nourished by vibrant natural lands, working farms and healthy cities. So with this vision in mind, we want to take a moment to update you on our plans during the COVID-19 crisis. The health of our employees, neighbors and friends is of utmost importance to Western Reserve Land Conservancy.
During the COVID-19 crisis, Western Reserve Land Conservancy wishes to minimize the potential for infectious transmission in all hosted events and meetings. In order to mitigate the risk of infectious transmission, we ask that you not attend any Land Conservancy event or meeting in person after travel to any CDC listed risk-level 2 or 3 country or city within the past fourteen (14) days; if you exhibit any symptoms of obvious illness; and if you have experienced a fever within the past 24 hours. We will employ appropriate social distancing techniques in all meetings, including avoiding personal contact such as shaking hands, maintaining adequate spacing between meeting attendees, and not sharing food and beverages.
In order to minimize the risk of COVID-19 spreading, the following planned events are canceled:
- Art Reception for Linda Ryan (March 14 to April 2)
- Tree Stewards Training (April 1, 6, 13 and 20)
- Adam’s and Haley’s Run Clean Up (April 11)
We intend to hold the following events, but will revisit whether they can be held as things develop:
- Sporting Circle Levy Hunt (March 28)
- Steelhead Outing (April 18)
- Ashcroft Woods Bird Hike (April 4)
- Sherwin Birding Hike (April 24)
- Arbor Day Celebration (April 25)
We will continue to monitor local, state and federal guidelines for events and other public gatherings and will notify you if anything changes.
We are grateful for your support and hope everyone stays safe and healthy.