Sarah joined the Land Conservancy in 2015 and is the land steward for the southern and western portions of our service area. She conducts annual stewardship visits to conserved properties to document changes over time and ensure that any conservation agreements are upheld. Sarah also completes Baseline Documentation Reports for new properties. Sarah loves visiting with landowners and learning about the personal and land use history of each property.
Sarah’s background is in ecology and she has had an interest in being outside since she was young. She spent a lot of time visiting local parks and playing outside at her grandparent’s farm in Wayne County. Sarah has experience with plant, animal, and habitat identification, GIS map making, and land management practices that she loves to share with conservation partners across the region.
Sarah serves on the Advisory Board for Ohio Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (OHPARC), a group that helps coordinate partnerships to further knowledge sharing and conservation efforts. Sarah is also a member of the Medina County Earth Day Planning Committee and the Medina County Fall Foliage Tour Planning Committee, helping to plan educational outreach events that she used to attend when she was younger.
Sarah graduated from Kent State University with a bachelor’s of science in Biological Sciences and with a Studio Art Minor. Afterward, she continued to Ohio University and obtained a master’s in Biological Sciences. Sarah taught introductory biology labs and assisted with comparative vertebrate anatomy labs. For her thesis, Sarah studied the ecology of Diamond-backed Terrapins within the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Herpetology (the study of reptiles and amphibians) has always been one of Sarah’s passions.
Sarah grew up in Medina County and moved back to the area after finishing graduate school. She enjoys cooking, board games with friends and family, gardening, camping, and traveling. Sarah and her husband, Tim, have a goal to visit all of the country’s national parks and are a third of their way there.