Get Involved


Acres Conserved

Counties Served


Farmland Acres Conserved

Parks & Preserves Created

Acres of Parks & Preserves Created

Trees Planted & Given Away

Options for Supporting the Work We Do

We could not carry out our mission without your support. There are a number of ways you can give to Western Reserve Land Conservancy, from setting up a recurring donation to setting up protections on your property.

Support Our Work

Looking for the best way to make a donation to the Land Conservancy? There’s a substantial number of avenues you can take, depending on your preferences and means. Among your opportunities for giving to our conservation nonprofit are:

  • Matching gifts
  • Current Gifts
  • Deferred or life-income gifts
  • Testamentary gifts
  • Gifts of securities and stocks
  • Recurring gifts

Corporate Partnerships

We are fortunate to have some of the most generous, charitable businesses right here in Northeast Ohio, and we are always excited to be introduced to new corporations that might be interested in contributing to our mission. Our corporate partners support us via philanthropic giving, as well as through volunteer opportunities such as stream cleanups and tree plantings.

White Oak Legacy Society

The White Oak Legacy Society recognizes those generous donors who have made planned gifts to the Land Conservancy in their estates. We acknowledge these important donors in our annual donor report and at special recognition events. If you’re interested in making a planned gift, options include bequests in wills and trusts, charitable gift annuities and IRA designations.

Protect Your Property

We make it as easy as possible to set up protections for property you own. Each property and set of circumstances is different, so we encourage those who are interested in protecting their land to reach out to us for further details.

Steps to Donating
Conservation Easement
Gifts of Land