Event Details:
Thursday, May 8 from 12:00 PM – 4:00 pm
Ashcroft Woods
Leader: Judy Semroc, Naturalist & Field Biologist and George Warnock, Land Steward at Western Reserve Land Conservancy
Ashcroft Woods protects an amazingly diverse display of spring wildflowers. Also known as spring ephemerals, these plants are short lived and take advantage of the sunlight of our rich forests prior to tree leaf out. We’ll walk a 2-mile, loop trail at the preserve with views of all the typical species found in northeast Ohio. The trail will be wet, muddy, and strenuous in spots. This is a nature walk so we do plan to stop often and observe what nature has to offer.
One of the Land Conservancy’s Signature Preserves, Ashcroft Woods permanently protects over 1,000 acres of swamp and upland forests, as well as wetland habitats.
Advanced registration is required.
Location: Directions will be sent to those who register. Ashcroft Woods is in Rome, OH.
Register here:
PLEASE NOTE: You may be photographed or recorded by the Western Reserve Land Conservancy during this event. Your image or words may be used in materials prepared by or for the Land Conservancy, including marketing related materials.
Organizer: Renee Boronka, rboronka@wrlandconservancy.org, 216-533-8761